Public Trust
Public Trust is an independent Crown entity, New Zealand’s largest provider of wills and estate administration services, helping customers to build and protect their legacies since 1873.

Public Trust required a content-rich website capable of handling high traffic and allowing room for frequent updates and development of new features. Performance, security, accessibility, page load speed, and an easy-to-use content management system were the key focus areas for the project.

We selected Laravel with Statamic CMS as the platform for several reasons: Public Trust internal team was already proficient in Laravel; Laravel is one of the leading modern open-source frameworks for web applications; Statamic is one of the most convenient CMSes for content managers and marketing specialists.
The website was built following Jamstack architecture best practices, utilising Statamic as the headless CMS and NuxtJS as the frontend framework, which ensures top performance and security. Leveraging Statamic enabled us to create a shared content hub for both: marketing website and in-office digital screen applications.

Instant search
Flexible and fast search is one of the key features of the Public Trust website. We recommended using Algolia as an industry-leading search engine. Searching with Algolia feels almost instantaneous.
It also comes with search analytics, the most popular search autocompletes, a flexible system for tagging and categorisation, and an AI-based ongoing re-ranking, which allows pushing relevant results to the top over time.
We utilise Algolia in multiple places on Public Trust website. For their main Help & Resources area, we designed and developed a "federated” search, where the results are split into groups by content type with unique layouts to suit each content group.

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